Best Eid. Mubarak wish sms,massag, for friend.

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. 
Best eid mubarak sms in English.     
Eid ul fitor 2019 happy eid massage for your friend...... 

" May Allah fulfil your all dreams and hopes.... May your life become a garden of heaven!!!! Eid Mubarak to you and your lovely family!!!!"

Eid is a day to cheer and to laugh with all your heart,,,,♥ . It is a day to be grateful to Allah for all of his heavenly blessings on us...💕. Wishing you a happy Eid UL FITR💓💓💞.

As long as you keep faith in Allah,,, no evil can touch your heart and no sorrow can ruin your day...💖 May your life be filled with joy and happiness on this Eid!💖💕💖💓

This blessed day is for saying thank you to the almighty for all he has given to us....🌹🌹 May he grant all your prayers and fulfil all your desires.🌾 🌺🌺Eid Mubarak!🏵🏵

Accept the blessings of Allah with all your heart and forget the sorrows that burdens you soul.🍹🍹 Enjoy the moments you share with your family.🕌🕌 Happy Eid Day!🕌🕌

Eid ul Fitr Wishes May you continue to grow wiser and more charming every day🏩🏩! May this Eid bring happiness in your heart and to your family. 🌛🌛Eid ul Fitr Mubarak!🌜🌜

Feel the magic of Eid around you and know that the grace of God is always with yo🌷🌷. You’ll always be surrounded by love and care.🍁🍁 Happy Eid UL FITR!💐💐

May the joy of Eid UL FITR be with you for the rest of your life...🐬. May all your desires be fulfilled by the grace of Allah🏙🏙. Happy Eid ul Fitr!🕌🕌

I pray to Allah that he answers all your prayer and give you the strength to fulfil your dreams. 🌝🌝May this EID bring joy in your heart! 🌡🌡Happy Eid UL FITR!🌟🌟

🌟🌟May the magic of this holy festival bring unlimited happiness in your life and decorate it with the colours of heaven! 🌈🌈 Eid Mubarak!🌈🌈

""Wishing you a very happy Eid Mubarak. 🔥🔥Cherish every moment of this beautiful festival and know that all your dreams will come true soon.... Eid Mubarak!!!!

Eid Mubarak Messages Take a break from living in stress and this is Eid so let’s celebrate!!!! Yoy are welcome to join us... Life is so endlessly delicious.... Happy Eid Day!🌟🌠

Start living now and stop worrying about tomorrow.... Life is too short to spend in tension.... Just enjoy every moment of every day.... Thinking of you on this Eid Day...🕌🕌🕌

🕌🕍Eid Mubarak!🕍🕌🕍 Seize the moment and be happy... Because,- very little is needed to make a happy life,,,, it’s all within yourself and your way of thinking.🌜🌜

May this Eid brings you joys unlimited,.. may all your wishes come true on this holy day and may you and your family be blessed by the grace of Allah.... 🎈🎈🎈Eid Mubarak!🎈🎈

